A Simple thing that is super empowering.

This is Simple and it Empowers

Over these years, we have successfully served multiple expat guests with varied residential needs, however, there is one thing that has always been interestingly common in all the cases – “The Lack of Trust in Indian People”. It is sad to see this, but it is the truth. While the first time travelers are naive and are probably taken for a ride if fallen in the wrong hands, but the sad part is that the ones who have been here for a while, are even more wary in their dealings.

This has always been alarming as it depicts that they have come across people who are either not truthful, or have cheated them, or they have been cheated multiple times, or they see Indians as greedy people, so much so that they also see Indians as self centered and heartless people, so much for being a spiritually driven country, where people come thinking that they are coming to a country which represents saints and yogis and people of character. It makes it more and more difficult for someone who is doing an honest and genuine business with a real intent of helping and serving the expat community to help earn their trust and respect for both Indian people as well as for the country. While it is quite disappointing, however, it also is an interesting problem to be solved and thus the opportunity.

Fortunately, at Expato the vision percolated from the helm is quite clear and of course contrary to the market practices, “Serve to Deserve”. First Serve with care and then deserve the rewards. The core team at Expato believes that the “Short Term Mentality” has to go away from India and “Long Term Thought Process” has to seep into each and every business house in India to make a real difference in the way the world sees Indians and India as a country. Indians cannot be seen as short term thinkers with greed as a driver, it is time that other nationals see us as trustworthy partners and workers serving the cause of creating a better world.

The simple act of delivering goods and services with Honesty and Integrity is one of the most empowering things that the team at Expato has learned through experience and practice and fortunately it has been a rewarding experience both for business and for individual fulfillment.

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